About Body of Noise:
Nonsense. Disturbance. Randomness. Noise obfuscates the signal, and oh, how we long for the signal.
Find me. Detect my edges. Filter out the noise and find me, follow me, stay with me, keep me going.
Complex bodies emerge through technological translation, as the artist coerces body-tracking devices into mesmerizing dysfunction. A series of poetic experiments unfolds, and noise is clarified as a medium for orienting ourselves and understanding our place-ness in an ever-shifting reality.
Showtimes are:
Friday April 5, 8pm
Saturday April 6, 8pm
Sunday April 7, 2pm
The show’s runtime will be around 40 minutes.
Please note, there is limited capacity, and though there will likely be space remaining at each showing, RSVP via Eventbrite is recommended. Entrance is free and open to the public. There will be no late seating.
The performance will take place in the Motion Capture Studio, located in room 166 of the Performing Arts Annex, 150 N Riverside Dr. There will be signage directing you to this space when you enter the building from its North-facing side, adjacent to the Theater Building parking lot.