2022 Symposium Logo

April 8 - 10, 2022

The Grant Wood Art Colony at the University of Iowa will host a compelling series of presentations investigating 20th-21st-century artists who, like Grant Wood, extended their practice to creating distinctive homes and studios.  They will explore how these environments reflect or shape an artist’s output and how they can be considered independent works in their own right. This three-day-long symposium will explore the intersections of home, creativity, and identity. Our prototype is Grant Wood, who renovated a hayloft into a studio and home in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and restored and furnished a significant mid-nineteenth-century historic home in Iowa City where he lived and worked.

A call for papers held in spring 2020 generated great interest and an excellent program of diverse scholars. Speakers will present new research about contemporary or historic figures who created unique homes and/or studios. 

Learn more about Grant Wood's Cedar Rapids studio, affectionately called "5 Turner Alley," by visiting the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art's website.



Click on the titles to learn more about the speakers and their research. Links to each session's recording can be found beneath each session description. Otherwise, recordings of the entire Symposium can be found by visiting this YouTube playlist.

Friday, April 8
240 Art Building West

3:00 p.m. Welcome

Maura Pilcher, Director, Grant Wood Art Colony
Nick Benson, Director, Office of Community Engagement

Barbara Wilson, President, University of Iowa

3:40-5:30 p.m.    Keynote: Creativity on the Home Front

Click here to see a recording of the keynote presentation. (Note: Due to a technical difficulty, this session was recorded at a later date.)

6:30-8:00 p.m. All attendee reception at Tomás Lasansky Studio.

Saturday, April 9
240 Art Building West

9:30 a.m. Opening Remarks

Jim Hayes, President, Grant Wood Art Colony National Advisory Board

9:50-11:35 a.m.    Session 1: The Art that is Life

Chair Tripp Evans

Click here to view a recording of Session 1: The Art that is Life.

1:15-2:30 p.m.    Session 2: Visionaries

Chair Jane Milosch

Click here to view a recording of Session 2: Visionaries.

2:45-4:10p.m.    Session 3: Labors of Love

Chair Lauren Lessing

Click here to view a recording of Session 3: Labors of Love.

Sunday, April 10
Grant Wood's Studio*

11:00 a.m.    Grant Wood Studio House open for tours for Symposium attendees

Cedar Rapids Museum of Art*

12:30-2:00 p.m.    Closing Plenary

Chair Valerie Balint

Click here to view the closing plenary.

Support provided by the Iowa Arts Council, a division of the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs and Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios, a program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

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