2016 Grant Wood Symposium
“Myth, Memories, and the Midwest: Grant Wood and Beyond”

The keynote, morning session, and afternoon session are available for viewing on YouTube. Please note that the Q&A from the morning session is not available due to poor audio quality.
Full-text papers will be archived and made available as they are submitted by the presenters to the Grant Wood Art Colony. Click on the presentation below to see if a full-text paper has been received.
Art Building West on the University of Iowa Campus.
141 North Riverside Drive, Iowa City, Iowa 52246
Click on each title below for an abstract and to learn more about each speaker.
Friday, October 28
7:30 p.m.: Keynote Address: Screwball Regionalism: Grant Wood and Humor During the Great Depression
Erika Doss, University of Notre Dame
Saturday, October 29
9:00 a.m.: Welcome
9:20 a.m.: Grant Wood and the After-Life of Victorian Architecture
Kerry Dean Carso, State University of New York at New Paltz
10:00 a.m.: On Common Ground: Grant Wood and the photography of the Farm Security Administration
James Swensen, Brigham Young University
10:40 a.m.: "Something of color and imagination": Grant Wood, Storytelling, and the Past's Appeal in Depression-Era America
Annelise K. Madsen, Art Institute of Chicago
11:20 a.m.: Q&A led by Wanda Corn
12:00-1:30 p.m.: Break
1:30 p.m.: Grant Wood’s Regionalist Camouflage
Jason Weems, University of California, Riverside
2:10 p.m.: In Springtime: Myth and Memory in Grant Wood's Last Paintings
Sue Taylor, Portland State University
2:50 p.m.: Q&A led by Joni Kinsey
View the entire Symposium by clicking here.
The Symposium culminated with a special viewing of the documentary 1142 at The Englert Theatre Saturday evening at 5:30 p.m. The documentary can be viewed on YouTube as well.
Support for the Grant Wood Symposium was provided by James Hayes, Kim and John Callaghan, and the Iowa Arts Council, a division of the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, and the National Endowment for the Arts.