The University of Iowa Grant Wood Art Colony and the Office of Outreach and Engagement
invite you to the reception for the

Friday, September 28, 2018
6 p.m.-9 p.m.
Smith Lobby in Hancher Auditorium
$100 per person
Guests will enjoy a beer and wine reception and sit-down dinner. Excerpts from the Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre's original production The Grant Wood Operas: Strokes of Genius will be performed. Jean-Francois Charles, Robert Lindsey-Nassif, and Michael Ching composed operas based on Grant Wood's work to create Strokes of Genius.
Space is limited. Click here to R.S.V.P. by September 12, 2018.
Note: The reception is a public, ticketed event. The Grant Wood Symposium on Saturday, September 29, is free and open to the public.
Learn more about the Grant Wood Biennial Symposium: Art in Public.
This event is made possible with the support of James P. Hayes and Dr. John and Kim Callaghan.
Become a symposium sponsor and gain more benefits
$500 Public Art Supporter: name listed in program
$1,000 Public Art Benefactor: name listed in program, membership in the Grant Wood Circle*
$5,000 Public Art Patron: name listed in program membership in the Grant Wood Circle*, private tour of a Grant Wood Fellow's studio
*Grant Wood Circle: Membership in this group not only distinguishes you as a champion of the arts, but also includes an invitation to an exclusive reception at Grant Wood's Iowa City home, 1142, to mingle with Grant Wood Fellows and experts.

Art in Public is not only the theme of the 6th Biannual Grant Wood Symposium, it is the launch pad for a new initiative at the University of Iowa: the Public Art Residency. With faculty and other experts on hand to share their innovative practices in engagement and instruction, the 2018 Symposium will reflect the evolving social and political nature of art in the public sphere.
In 1934, Grant Wood was appointed head of the Public Works of Art Project for Iowa, and later became associate professor in the art department at the University of Iowa. In the spirit of Wood’s contributions to art in the public sphere, the Grant Wood Art Colony and the Office of Outreach and Engagement’s Public Art Residency will create opportunities for the next generation of artists and leaders while providing tangible benefits to communities across Iowa. Select University of Iowa students will attend a week-long residency during which they will learn from artists, community planners, and other experts in the field. These students will also develop design proposals for real-world public art projects and will have an opportunity to execute their projects in partnering communities.